Regional Transportation Plan
Tehama County Regional Transportation Plan (With Appendices) - March 2020
The Tehama County Transportation Commission (TCTC) is the state-designated Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Tehama County. TCTC reviews transportation needs and identifies improvements for transportation, transit operations and infrastructure. TCTC administers local, state, and federal funds for the implementation and maintenance of transportation infrastructure throughout the region.
Tehama County Regional Transportation Plan - Negative Declaration
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is considered a project per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and an environmental document was prepared. Based on the initial study evaluation, the RTP will not result in adverse environmental impacts; therefore, a Negative Declaration was prepared. Click to view the RTP Negative Declaration…
TCTC is the state-designated regional transportation planning agency (RTPA) for the Tehama County region. TCTC is required by state law (CA Government Code Section 65080) to prepare and adopt a comprehensive regional transportation plan (RTP) covering a 20 year planning horizon. The RTP for Tehama County is updated every five years.