Regional Transportation Planning Agency Technical Advisory Committee

Regional Transportation Planning Agency TAC Meetings

Meetings are held in the Tuscan Room of the County Administration Building, 727 Oak Street, Red Bluff.

Technical Advisory Committee Members

Scott Miller

Chairman – City of Red Bluff Public Works Director

Kelly Zolotoff

Vice Chairman – Caltrans District 2


Tehama County Public Works Director

Elijah Stanley

City of Corning Public Works Director

Carolyn Steffan

Member – City of Tehama

Lynn Siedschlag

Member – Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians

Regional Transportation Planning Agency TAC Bylaws

The Regional Transportation Planning Agency Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was established by the Tehama County Transportation Commission (TCTC) to act at its direction and discretion in response to State and Federal requirements. The TAC serves as an advisory board to TCTC and provides technical assistance, advice, and recommendations to TCTC staff to aid in fulfilling its responsibilities for a coordinated transportation planning process within Tehama County. The TAC reviews and provides input on transportation planning activities, including but not limited to, updating the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), recommending projects for the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP), and other special transportation studies.

The TAC consists of representatives from each of the following agencies: Cities of Corning, Red Bluff, Tehama, one representative from the County of Tehama, Caltrans District 2, and from Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, for a total of six (6) members, serving a term of appointment for one (1) calendar year.